Higher Consciousness

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” – Buddha

Duty is to awaken the unconscious parts of the mind and bring it forth into consciousness in order to pay justice to reality and existence.  To achieve internally is to recognize and understand the self to its deepest and ever evolving core.  Considering we change our perceptions daily and even our beliefs throughout a lifetime, understanding ourselves fully is like striving for perfection: we can inch closer and closer to it, but there is always room for improvement, or in this case, for discovery.   Continue reading “Higher Consciousness”


“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

The brain and mind are malleable.  Although neuroscientists have unlocked much to how brains function and develop, there is still much more left undiscovered.  First, understanding the distinction between brain and mind is of utmost importance.  The brain obeys science, while the mind, on the other hand, obeys spirituality in addition to science.  The distinction is far more complex.   Continue reading “Neuroplasticity”


How will you define your legacy? In a modern world where discussions on the purpose to living are missing, the subject regarding legacy is elusive also.  Many speak of the concept in terms of  overall acquisition totals at the end of life.  Many do not contemplate the subject at all.  Legacy is an idea that may realize itself both in external and internal realms of human living.   Continue reading “Legacy”

I Would Rather be Strange

To living an authentic life for achieving greater internal happiness and tranquility.

To those who would call me strange, I say that I would rather be your kind of strange than mine because, to me, strange is denying the truth of our nature.

To me, strange is ignoring the pull of the moon’s tides in our veins simply because we can’t yet measure its influence.

Strange is pretending that our bones aren’t made of the same dust that’s beneath our feet, or that our bodies aren’t filled with the same water that crashes in waves on the shores.

To me, strange would be to deny kinship with the animals, even though we’re born of the same union between the earth and the sky.

What I consider strange is clinging to one identity, like a summer that refuses to concede to the coming autumn.  And stranger still is to reject our responsibility to one another, like a maple tree denying the birds and…

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“Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.”
― Lao Tzu

The most valuable currency is time, which is not to be confused with the old cliche stating, “time is money.”  Rather, time is irreplaceable. In fact, there is no substitute for its value.  In a world that strives to acquire more, time lacks the capacity to increase its possesion; time is an entity that continues to decrease in its amount versus increase with every passing day.  Moreover, time exists on a continuum by which it has the ability to expand and lengthen or shrink and shorten.   Continue reading “Time”

Fate or Free Will?

“… whether Fate binds us down by an inexorable law, or whether God as arbiter of the universe has arranged everything, or whether Chance drives and tosses human affairs without method, philosophy ought to be our defense.” Seneca in Letters from a Stoic

How much power does an individual have in crafting his or her destiny? If the extent of power within human agency is uncertain, then is there a method of arriving to a logical conclusion by which to identify which view permeates human existence? Continue reading “Fate or Free Will?”

Alone & Loneliness

“Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.” – C.G. Jung

A distinct difference exists between being alone and experiencing loneliness.  In Susan Cain’s book Quiet, she presents differences between introverts and extroverts and finds many people who embrace introversion crave being alone in solitude.  Introverts thrive, when they are able to read a book in the quiet comforts of a designated space made for the exact purpose, for example.  They are more energized and more focused, when they are alone.  Thus, the idea of being alone is not one to automatically elicit feelings of pity, sadness, nor discomfort.   Continue reading “Alone & Loneliness”

Redefining Work

“He who has a WHY to live for can bear with almost any how.” – Friderich Nietzsche

The word work needs tuning in order to make aligning every individual’s strengths and every organization’s needs to their rightful counterpart.  The word work does not need to carry with it negative connotations or sweeping associations such as ideas relating to imposition, force, negative stress, frustration, and more.  Looking forward to every day needs to overthrow the idea of looking forward to living for the weekends only.   Continue reading “Redefining Work”


“Let your mind wander in simplicity, blend your spirit with the vastness, follow along with things the way they are, and make no room for personal views – then the world will be governed.” ― Zhuangzi

Simplify perceived emotional turmoil, external challenges and desires, and existential push-back by taking personal power and control over the thoughts that enter the mind.  Rather than allow distress to run both the mind and body, attempt to gather greater understanding over the causes.  View matters from different angles in order to begin delineating between what is objective and truth versus what is subjective and skewed perceptions.   Continue reading “Simplify”